Thursday, June 9, 2011

What is Perfection

This is Part II to the original writing "Perfection Standard"

Time itself guarantees the impossibility of perfection. Lets define perfection in and identity along with the concepts of absolute or infinity. As long as time exists, there must be a constant change or consecutive sequential moments, one following another and never stopping. Perfection might exist for an instant but then it immediately changes at the onset of the next instant. All things are either expanding or contracting, continuously being created or in the throws of their cessation of being created. There is no such thing as sustainability in a continuum such as time
The only true perfection that will ever be is that of a total static. Philosophers have intonated for centuries of this quality, whether it be in the Veda's, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, or even more recent religions such as Buddhism, Taoism (AKA, Tao Te Ching), the Qabbalah and Koran.
It is often defined in many ways using words designed to relate to something and not intended or designed to capture the essence of "a nothing".

I've heard and have conjured my own conceptual interpretations attempting to communicate the ineffable concept of the source of that which animates life, human or otherwise.
Attempted definitions such as:
The nothing between all things
That which is non-existent but binds all that is existent.
The intangible, and distinctly absent from human perceptions, but is the source and recipient of all perception.
The quality residing outside or parallel to time, space and matter. Which does not exist with but imperceptibly and invisibly permeates through all time, space and matter.
The true self which has the qualities of honor, integrity, ethics, valor, honesty. That which displays the qualities of intellect, perception, observation, cognition, knowing, duplication, affinity, sentience and the myriad of other similar qualities which cannot be attributed to memory or mental creative activities requiring discernment.
The quality of the infinite space within all matter makeup from the nucleus to the galaxies, that which fills all voids and binds.
This may be the actual state of the spirit, soul or the true YOU.
The absolute STATIC which has no motion due to it existing in all places and no places simultaneously, thus having not instance or presence in time or in space.

I've had the question posed asking in variant ways: "how can you say a static describes the spirit and that it is not in time"?

One answer conjured is: If the observer is capable of the perception of time, then it cannot be in it itself while simultaneously tell that it is consecutively, moment by moment passing.
Further;  to have such a thing as time, there must be a reference that is not IN time, otherwise the absence of such reference would make consecutive moments imperceptible.
As a poor example of this concept; set in a motionless vehicle with your eyes closed with ears muffed and have the driver (someone other than yourself!) initiate coasting down a slightly inclined street with as little alternative motion as possible. If you are identified to the vehicle and the vehicle is moving, so are you simultaneously. There is no difference in the motion of the vehicle and of yourself. If performed properly, you will not discern when there was no vehicle motion, thus consecutive moments and existing motion.
This is a crude example of there needing an external reference to anything before perception of it can be accomplished. Simple pure classical physics.

Logic may offer that it is likely that the foundation of all Time, Space, Matter and Energy must be some quality that is not.

In Taoism, there is the example of "The Wheel" as an attempt to describe "Emptiness" by describing everything else.
see - for the following examples:
    We put thirty spokes together and call it a wheel;
    But it is on the space where there is nothing that the usefulness of the wheel depends.
    We turn clay to make a vessel;
    But it is on the space where there is nothing that the usefulness of the vessel depends.
    We pierce doors and windows to make a house;
    And it is on these spaces where there is nothing that the usefulness of the house depends.
    Therefore just as we take advantage of what is, we should recognize the usefulness of what is not. (chap. 11, tr. Waley)
If there is perfection, it is "a nothing", that which animates, that which sees but cannot be seen. It is never changing, never existed and never ceases. That quality is YOU.

If anyone can suggest any other ways to describe the nothing upon which all things depend, please chime in!!

This is a communication attempted with words. It may not match the intent. It will be revised, it will be changed, it is not done and may never be.
2011 © sojournersoul
2011 © currentoccupant
2011 ©
1981 © Tom Pedersen

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